Insurance is the first and foremost way to protect the property you live in or own from unforeseen risks. Compulsory or voluntary insurance allows you to secure your home against various disasters and unforeseen circumstances that cause damage. This coverage is provided by "home insurance" and "TCIP - compulsory earthquake insurance". These two types of insurance are often confused. However, although the common point of these insurances is to provide assurance for your home, the housing insurance policy and TCIP policy have different contents.
Home insurance is an optional type of insurance that covers your home and, if you wish, your belongings against unexpected risks such as theft, fire and flooding. The purpose of home insurance is to minimize your financial loss in case of disasters you may face. Insurance companies provide protection against many risks with the home insurance packages they offer.
What is TCIP - Compulsory Earthquake Insurance?
The other type of insurance that provides protection for housing is the compulsory earthquake insurance offered by the state. Compulsory earthquake insurance became compulsory after the great Marmara earthquake on August 17, 1999. Compulsory earthquake insurance provides protection within the limits defined in the policy for material damages to your home caused by earthquake and earthquake-induced fire, landslide, explosion, tsunami. In this context, the material damages incurred are covered in cash. A fully or partially damaged building is covered by TCIP.
What are the Differences between Earthquake Insurance and Home Insurance?
Earthquake insurance and home insurance differ in many ways. First of all, compulsory earthquake insurance is a type of insurance provided by the state and is compulsory, while housing insurance is voluntary. In earthquake insurance, the insured is the title deed holder, but housing insurance can be taken out by the title deed holder or the tenant. Housing insurance taken out by the tenant only protects the belongings. TCIP provides protection against earthquakes and risks directly caused by earthquakes, but in housing insurance, the dwelling is insured against the risks covered by the policy. In other words, the scope of home insurance may be broader than earthquake insurance.
You need the following documents and information to apply for TCIP insurance for all properties in Turkey:
- Tax number (Tax Identification Number)
- Personal telephone number (valid in Turkey)
- The right property address
- Number of storeys of your property
- Year of construction of your property
The cost of property insurance varies according to its location and size. The TORAVILLA Real Estate team will provide you with a convenient guide to get your property insurance.